Meet Bob Palmer

Bob_2012Bob Palmer, B.E.S., B.Ed., High Performance Trainer, SportExcel Inc.

Sport high-performance expert and author, Bob Palmer, is making high performance a lot more fun, easily learned by anyone and straightforward without the fear of over thinking or talking about problems.

And his ATA, ASSA-CSSA, Olympians and international competitors rave about his six-step system for winning.

As a 4th degree black belt in karate, national competitor and instructor, Bob rolled up his sleeves and cracked the high performance code and created a repeatable system for winning. He learned how to get in the Zone and apply it to every competition, and, for the past 20 years, he’s been helping athletes at all levels to win as well. Every week, Bob receives emails and calls from his shooting clients to thank him, sometimes as the result of only reading his book, Mind vs Target!

With this kind of potential offered by his system, executive shooters, shooting coaches, Olympians, parents of elite teen athletes and amateur gun enthusiasts (shotgun, rifle, pistol and three gun) seek Bob out for his high performance system, problem solving and training to win.

Bob is the author of two books – Mind vs Target and a Mind to Win – “clinics in a book” that initiate the Zone, build leadership and ensure ongoing high performance excellence. He travels widely, conducting clinics for shooting clubs and organizations. As well, he has pioneered the use of Skype for training his system and conducts one-on-one training for coaches and athletes in North America and from around the world. Visit him at and on Facebook or for more information, visit or call 877.967.5747.

Read Bob’s book on mental training for the clay target sports.

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