The importance of visualization

In this video, High-Performance Expert, Bob Palmer, talks about the importance of visualization in your sport.

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Ask Bob: How to build Zone concentration in the shooting sports

I frequently get questions from readers of my book, blog and monthly articles in Trap & Field and other magazines. Shooters are stymied by some component of their game and turn to me, aka ASK BOB, the “Ann Landers” of the shooting sports.

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Sport high performance in the mountains of Spain


Our host, Julian Pena, welcomes Bob to Hotel El Ciervo in Xares, Spain

I just got back from Spain, where I had the opportunity to work with an international skeet-shooting client in the mountains of Galicia.  He had invited me to Spain to conduct a high performance clinic for Spanish shooters and coaches.  To get there, my wife and I wended our way straight up thousands of nail-biting feet to Xares.  For the faint of heart, Julian also has a helicopter pad! Continue reading

The Parent’s Choice: Being a sport spectator or a mentor

Coach and shooterLast night I worked with a particularly dynamic coach, staff and team. A previous clinic had awakened the sleeping giants in the players, as they had been shell-shocked from a negative prior coaching experience.

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So much advice on trap shooting but so little improvement. Why?

This question comes from Duncan in Phoenix, AZ who asks how it is possible to be getting so much advice on trap shooting at the club, but it doesn’t translate into improved performance.   In this video Bob Palmer answers Duncan’s question and provides some strategies on how to deal with well-meaning or unsolicited advice.

Thoughts? Questions? Please post your comments below and I’ll reply personally.

Bob Palmer, SportExcel



What does a Mental Coach do?

The question: What does a mental coach do? is answered by Bob Palmer in this video with a very basic answer. Mental coaches help you to make your game fun and easy:

Fun, because you learn the tools to fix virtually any problem and;

Easy, because you learn to make training a fun challenge.

Thoughts? Questions? Please post your comments below and I’ll reply personally.

Bob Palmer, SportExcel


Is Trap shooting 90% Mental?

Spencer asks if shooting clay targets is 90% mental.  Bob answers with a big YES.  Very skillful athletes can collapse in the big game because they become intimidated, feel bad when they make a mistake, think about a past loss, etc.

They can keep practicing harder or they can use mental exercises to make the next  competition seem exciting and familiar, and they can use various strategies to make their “fearsome” opponents disappear when they step into the are in the post. Continue reading

What is different about SportExcel?

By learning a system and the proper tools to use the Zone as a High Performance Engine that drives your game, the athlete or sports team can get great results and avoid talk therapy and talking about problems and emotions. What does the athlete want? The Zone now, so he or she can play their game with passion and have success.

SportExcel works all over the world via Skype – contact us today.